Our Services

Fertility Preservation Services

The University of Colorado (CU) Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Late Effects team sees patients before and after fertility-harming therapies for the following fertility preservation services:

  • Egg Freezing
  • Embryo Freezing
  • Ovarian Tissue Freezing
  • Ovarian Transposition
  • Sperm Freezing
  • Testicular Tissue Freezing

Reproductive Health and Late Effects Services

  • Contraception
  • Menstrual Suppression
  • Pubertal Transition
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Ovarian Reserve Testing
  • Cancer risk reduction (i.e. prophylactic removal of ovaries, HPV immunization)
  • Screening and treatment of radiation injury to the breast and pelvis
  • Screening and treatment of genital graft-versus-host disease
  • Sexual Functioning
  • Preconception Counseling
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for single gene mutations (i.e. BRCA)
  • Psychosocial services through licensed clinical psychologists
  • Third Party Reproduction (Surrogacy, Egg, Sperm or Embryo Donation)

LGBTQ Safe Zone

The CU Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Late Effects Program physicians and staff are committed to celebrating diversity in all forms – fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for each patient regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity.